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(Animals and pets)
Cat Paralysis in a Litter Box

Cat Paralysis in a Litter Box

And so the cat needed to pee. And it did, after which the cat dropped on its back to enjoy the relief. Humans get that feeling too at times!
Breach Tiger’s Privacy And Get Sprayed

Breach Tiger’s Privacy And Get Sprayed

Tigers are predators and they don’t like to be in the open 24/7.
Raccoon Parenting

Raccoon Parenting

Let’s learn from a raccoon mother what good parenting is. In this example, and under a strict supervision, she teaches her baby body how to climb his first tree.
Northern Flying Squirrel Heaven

Northern Flying Squirrel Heaven

This squirrel is being asked – “What’s wrong with you squirrel”? But may be, just may be, this squirrel has retired from being a squirrel, and it feels good to just eat and poop! T... more
Robbed of the Grapes

Robbed of the Grapes

It's a couch potato time and this raccoon just had unimaginable happened him - he was robbed of the grapes. Where did they go? Are they under the bowl? Don't do this at home, or th... more
There Are BAD Dogs And Naughty Dogs

There Are BAD Dogs And Naughty Dogs

So there comes a time when you have to ask your pet - "Who was a bad boy?" And you get the honest and straight answer. If only human's were that honest!
What Humans Have Never Learned...

What Humans Have Never Learned...

One of the essentials of animal kingdom is this - "Don't mess with a wrong opponent". Watch how animal kingdom shows each animal to learn the lessons from real life. These are not... more
Chained Dogs Are Dangerous And For a Reason

Chained Dogs Are Dangerous And For a Reason

Here’s an example of a dangerous aggressive dog taken off the chain. Guess what happens next?