A Dog Slide or a Dog Dispenser? You Decide!
Dogs love running underneath the slides. And they like sliding down on the slow on sleds. But what would happen if you put them ON the extreme version of a slide? Watch the dogs having the time of their lives while trying to stay sane on the way down. A lucky slide time without incidents!
What Humans Have Never Learned...
One of the essentials of animal kingdom is this - "Don't mess with a wrong opponent". Watch how animal kingdom shows each animal to learn the lessons from real life. These are not examples for just a laugh but to learn the animal kingdom fundamentals. After all, we are all animals :) Grrrr!!!
Tortoise Vs Rabbit. Who Wins?
Here we have a true life competition between a rabbit and a tortoise. The greatest speed achieved by a tortoise is 0.28 m/s (0.92 ft/s). The fastest of the rabbits and hares, Jack rabbits achieve speeds of about 70 km/h (about 45 mph). Who wins in this competition? You be the judge!
Robbed of the Grapes
It's a couch potato time and this raccoon just had unimaginable happened him - he was robbed of the grapes. Where did they go? Are they under the bowl? Don't do this at home, or the raccoon might steal YOUR breakfast cereal right when you want it the most.
Don't Mess With Nature or It Will Mess With You
Sometimes humans lack the respect the nature around them deserves. Here are a "few" examples of what not to do for the sake of sanity. Take care of the nature and it will take care of you, with all its beauty and magnificence.
Avoid a Screw Up By Following Good Manners!
When you are in social environment, follow good manners to avoid screw ups looking awkward. And this squirrel seems to have the edge at what he does and how he does it. Learn from good manners you can apply to your eating habits! Have a sit. Pace yourself. Happily digest your food. Be balanced!
There’s Bear in the House And It’s Hungry
This Russian bear has the claws and the teeth. Everything it needs to keep eating. And if you’re not careful enough, it will eat you! As one said – “In America , you have the right to bear arms, In Russia, bear has the right to your arms!”
Cat Is in the House
If you live with a cat, don’t assume you’re the boss. The boss would be the one who’s full time on the property. And that would be your cat.
Feeding Snakes
It’s lunch time and snakes are not your friends when they’re hungry. You just have to “pet” them a little and show your professional love to these sneaky creatures.
Northern Flying Squirrel Heaven
This squirrel is being asked – “What’s wrong with you squirrel”? But may be, just may be, this squirrel has retired from being a squirrel, and it feels good to just eat and poop! There’s no work to do, because all the food and housing is free. Don’t we all want this?
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