The Infancy of the Military Screw Ups
It's where it all begins that matters. “You’ve run out of ammo, private.” - “How?” Funny fails in the military with soldiers who fail at gun shooting, grenade throwing, rocket launchers, mortars, army tanks and more!
Police Office Impersonator Pulls Over Undercover Cops
Undercover cops were attempted to get pulled over by a cop impersonator pull over the impersonator instead. This is probably an almost impossible scenario that happened in real life. There's no actual footage of this happening, but the story covered by a news channel.
Too Late For His Own Funeral
Jokes aside. Is this individual immune to physics? Never a dull moment in his life, right? We hope the police and his insurance company have truly enjoyed the video as much as we did.
Jackie Chan's Dear Death Stunts
A fame doesn't come without risks. Jackie Chan is known for doing most of his own stunts, while this is ideal for filming action scenes it also puts the actors life in danger. Here are some documented near death experiences Jackie Chan had to face throughout his acting carrier.
It's a Wedding And It's a Screw Up Time!
Weddings are most of the precious times in our lives. These are the times we cherish to the end of our lives. And most of the weddings have their own highlights, including screw ups that are remembered forever and ever. Watch this compilation and have a laugh at moments that are not too sad...
The Stage Performance Failure Is the Worst!
When it comes to screw ups prevention, this would be the priority for both the performer and a producer. Yet, we're human and prone to mistakes. And some of them are as funny as sad. Watch this compilation from the videos all over the world that would give you a better idea the stage screw ups
The Fury of a Garbage Truck
Have you ever seen a garbage truck with an attitude? This is definitely not an error on a part of the driver that performed his garbage truck duties, but rather an issue with the garbage disposal mechanisms being out of wack. Should we call this a hydraulics mechanism maintenance screw up? Finny!
There's a Saying - 'If You Are Not Sure, Don't Do It!'
It's usually that moment when you think you "got it". And in order for things to go wrong, they have to be imagined and re-created first. Watch some creative attempts to achieve what seemed to be feasible. Yet, we bet that most of these people had their doubts just moments before it was too late!
Ship Collisions And Screw Ups Caught On Camera
We can relate to car crashes since the probability of being involved in a vehicle accident on a busy road is quite high. However, it is somewhat unexpected to see cargo and transportation sea ships being involved in collisions. You would think their speed in advanced NAV equipment would matter....
When the Bank Robbery Turns To Unexpected
It's the bank robbery. And everything seems to go right. Just when you think the justice is around the corner, something unexpected occurs, literally blowing your mind.
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