10,000 Horsepower. Small Boat.
What would happen if you put a 10,000 horsepower engine in a small boat? It will reach close to airplane speeds while resisting the dynamics of water! Used for sports, these small boats show staggering acceleration and travel speeds. And their engines need to be rebuilt after each run too!
30,000 Meals a Day On Board...
That's exactly right. A Royal Caribbean has a $1 million shopping budget to feed its hungry passengers producing just about thirty thousand meals a day. The culinary team has to work 24 hour 7 days a week non-stop to fulfill the order. Watch this amazing process from produce delivery to the table.
Sell Your Girlfriend For $10,000
Are people really for sale for the right amount money? If it were a reality for everyone, the world would be sad place to live in. Don’t do this to your love.
$258,000 Ferrari Spin And Crash Test
We all wonder how those Ferraris handle spins and crashes. Well, let’s thank a generous Italy Ferrari owner for showing the world what it is like to spin and crash that baby!
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