It’s a Car Wash Time – Learn From a Blond
This blond is definitely wants a thorough car wash IN and out. If it weren't for THAT type of blond, one would think this might have been a bloody murder cover up.
Spitting Lama
This lama doesn’t like blonds, because it things they’re fake. “I spit on you!” – says Lama.
We Have a Blond And She’s a Thinker
Thinking is a tough business. And this girl knew everyone was laughing at her ignorance and was embarrassed about it. Yet, she was still able to intentionally humor the crowd.
There Are Blonds, And There Are Dumb Blonds...
And some of those DUMB blonds are soooo dumb they get to play in the TV commercials. Just as the AD says “Beauty is nothing without brains”.
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