It's a Wedding And It's a Screw Up Time!
Weddings are most of the precious times in our lives. These are the times we cherish to the end of our lives. And most of the weddings have their own highlights, including screw ups that are remembered forever and ever. Watch this compilation and have a laugh at moments that are not too sad...
An Epic Motorcycle Crash
This was a ride where one crash let to another. One biker who crashed was an Emergency Medical Technician. Surprisingly after seeing quite a few fatal accidents, he still did not wear a proper gear but had a very healthy sense of humor. All riders in the end were ok.
Feeding Snakes
It’s lunch time and snakes are not your friends when they’re hungry. You just have to “pet” them a little and show your professional love to these sneaky creatures.
If You Plan On Keeping Girlfriend
Think twice before participating in the “girlfriend overboard throw” event. You may not have what it takes to safely “deliver” your honey into the water.
Fighter Planes Send Beach Umbrellas in the Air
The Navy's Blue Angels deliver a show to people at the beach while sending personal belongings in the air due to the air turbulence from the low altitude flight.
No Waste Disposal For Sweden
Sweden is the leader in garbage recycling. Only 1 percent of garbage ends up in landfills. Sweden also imports English household waste for energy production.
Reaction To Open Gay Relationships in Russia
In this video, two young men pretended to be a gay couple. Watch a reaction of people on the street.
They Were Both in the Same Middle School
She’s now the judge and he’s a incidentally a defendant. The man was arrested by Hialeah police on the grounds of driving a car involved in a robbery.
What the Heck Is 4th of July, Independence Day?
You may find this either amusing or sad. Yet, these people not even feel embarrassed; they think it’s really funny to live in USA and not knowing WHERE they live.
Shark Cage Attack (South Africa)
When sharks are hungry, they’re not friends to humans. And South Africa is the perfect spot to meet a hungry shark that would chew on anything to get to its pray.
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