Mass Whale Killing
Over 200 pilot whales were slaughtered on the beaches of the Faroe Islands. The mass whale killing took place in drive hunts at Bøur and Tórshavn, making this the single, bloodiest day in the Archipelago in 2015.
Fighter Planes Send Beach Umbrellas in the Air
The Navy's Blue Angels deliver a show to people at the beach while sending personal belongings in the air due to the air turbulence from the low altitude flight.
Two Women Steal Canopy And Then Harass Owner
When the owner of beach gear arrived to his beach spot, he was “pleasantly” surprised to discover two women hijacking his belongings. He was kind enough to offer help.
She’s at the Beach And She’s a Little Funny..
Or little drunk? Enjoy watching this mermaid receiving the warm and wavy goodness from the sea!
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