You Might Be Buying Fake Olive Oil That Can Hurt You
Your favorite olive oil brand might be actually counteractive to your health goals. Many refined olive oil products are actually mixes of various vegetable oils that instead of improving your lipids, actually cause more inflammation and are a long term health hazard.
An Epic Motorcycle Crash
This was a ride where one crash let to another. One biker who crashed was an Emergency Medical Technician. Surprisingly after seeing quite a few fatal accidents, he still did not wear a proper gear but had a very healthy sense of humor. All riders in the end were ok.
Humans in Shark Cages
Imagine you had health to live forever. How would you protect your life if you were to swim in the ocean? Well these humans used shark cages to get where they wanted. Would you?
Food Additives, Spices And Health Dangers Revealed
The food products that are commercially produced often taste better than those prepared at home. And the dangerous food additives are the reason that's worth an attention.
Bleach Addiction Warning
Don’t get a wrong idea from people like this individual that takes morning baths in bleach as preventative healthcare. Bleach is a dangerous toxin.
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