Russian Aerobatic Exercise Failure
A mechanical failure caused a helicopter crash killing a famous Russian stunt pilot. According to the official sources, the pilot did not eject from the helicopter in attempt to save the machine.
Mass Whale Killing
Over 200 pilot whales were slaughtered on the beaches of the Faroe Islands. The mass whale killing took place in drive hunts at Bøur and Tórshavn, making this the single, bloodiest day in the Archipelago in 2015.
Helicopter Crash Before Christmas
During an installation of a Christmas tree supporting structure, due to a negligence of the pilot and supervisors, the helicopter rotors caught on the cable causing this helicopter accident. It is sad to see one of the workers brainlessly pulling on the cable causing the helicopter to crash.
FedEx 767F Delivery Wing Wave Beauty
The pilot of this plane purportedly and intentionally executed a dangerous plane rocking move, although you may wonder if he just had a little too much coffee in the morning.
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