Tortoise Vs Rabbit. Who Wins?
Here we have a true life competition between a rabbit and a tortoise. The greatest speed achieved by a tortoise is 0.28 m/s (0.92 ft/s). The fastest of the rabbits and hares, Jack rabbits achieve speeds of about 70 km/h (about 45 mph). Who wins in this competition? You be the judge!
A Birthday Surprise Not To Look Forward To
A birthday is a GOOD day for surprises. And here’s one surprise she’ll never forget. An neither is the man. The man had inner doubts about his "daughter" not being his genetically linked daughter and he did the DNA test that proved his most horrifying assumptions. Not an entertaining situation.
Paraffin Drinking Challenge
The “HOT Candle Wax Shots Challenge” is something no one needs to try. Although candle wax is considered nonpoisonous, it can cause body tissue burns, intestinal blockage and death
Japanese Breasts Implants Testing Competition
And here go the Japanese with their more than weird games. This time it’s the boob testing competition. Can the participants guest which are implants and which are not?
The Most Unique American Idol Contestant
Her most wanted dream is about to happen. The judges are ready, and so is she. Let’s grab a few snacks, and watch her getting on that “ Hollywood ” bus.
$258,000 Ferrari Spin And Crash Test
We all wonder how those Ferraris handle spins and crashes. Well, let’s thank a generous Italy Ferrari owner for showing the world what it is like to spin and crash that baby!
There IS a Car Driving Test. Is There a  Parking Test Too?
And although she does appear to have a driver license, it is unknown how she got one; her car parking skills or absence of such show just exactly how you fail the test.
Didn't Pass a Car Parking Test? Don't Try To Park a Ship!
It was a good day, other than an unexpected ship navigation issue either with the one who navigated this huge container ship or with the ship itself.
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