Some Children Need Lessons
The words of wisdom that came from the street busker just after a little kid threatened his performance and well being.
Helicopter Crash Before Christmas
During an installation of a Christmas tree supporting structure, due to a negligence of the pilot and supervisors, the helicopter rotors caught on the cable causing this helicopter accident. It is sad to see one of the workers brainlessly pulling on the cable causing the helicopter to crash.
Reaction To Open Gay Relationships in Russia
In this video, two young men pretended to be a gay couple. Watch a reaction of people on the street.
Raccoon Parenting
Let’s learn from a raccoon mother what good parenting is. In this example, and under a strict supervision, she teaches her baby body how to climb his first tree.
When City Doesn’t Care You Have an RV Gate
You’ve build a new house with a nice parking spot for your RV. Well, bad luck, ‘cause a street sign and a street light poll gotta go there.
He’s Got a Tree To Cut And He’s the Right Man For the Job.
Honestly, he THOUGHT he was the right man. Here goes that “Oops” moment again. The tree fell where it was originally tilted man! A classic screw up at its best.
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