An Amazing Water And Sound Experiement
When physical properties interact via unusual natural or artificial methods, some results can actually defy our perception of everyday physics. Watch the water taking the shapes of the audio sine waves creating a visual experience that we have used to see in science fiction motion pictures.
The Robotic Soldier Era
While Boston Dynamics develops the actual robotic technology that is real and highly successful, watch the guys from Bosstown Dynamics creating another amazing presentation of a future robot soldier that could resist unusual situations that are aimed at a disruption of its primary goal.
Most Expensive Human Activity Screw Ups To Learn From
There are screw ups, and there are a costly screw ups that keep repeating its history throughout the time. This video highlights some of the most expensive mistakes in history excluding environmental disasters.
Avoid a Screw Up By Following Good Manners!
When you are in social environment, follow good manners to avoid screw ups looking awkward. And this squirrel seems to have the edge at what he does and how he does it. Learn from good manners you can apply to your eating habits! Have a sit. Pace yourself. Happily digest your food. Be balanced!
There’s Bear in the House And It’s Hungry
This Russian bear has the claws and the teeth. Everything it needs to keep eating. And if you’re not careful enough, it will eat you! As one said – “In America , you have the right to bear arms, In Russia, bear has the right to your arms!”
Destruction of a Road Pay Toll
Two guys in the truck were on important mission to safely deliver watermelons to a distribution center. Well, apparently instead of watching the road, they were eating watermelons.
An Adopted Peeing Sheep Newscast Failure
An innocent looking and adopted lamb had no respect or empathy for the BBC efforts on world awareness. It relieved itself right on the spot creating a recording outtake.
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