A Dog Slide or a Dog Dispenser? You Decide!
Dogs love running underneath the slides. And they like sliding down on the slow on sleds. But what would happen if you put them ON the extreme version of a slide? Watch the dogs having the time of their lives while trying to stay sane on the way down. A lucky slide time without incidents!
A “Lucky” Champagne Bottle Throw Fires Back
An unusual and unexpected outcome from a champagne bottle that literally became a rocket and flew exactly where it needed to go.
Extreme Catapult Attraction Dangers
These people were lucky enough to avoid a shoot up into the sky in a metal ball, and then plummet to a gruesome seatbelt death on the pavement.
Dog On Marijuana
This dog was either lucky or unlucky to ingest a rice krispie treat filled with marijuana. The dog was even high on the second day. This is what marijuana legalization has brought.
Unlucky Bug Swallowed
While the news reporter was craving a good meal right after the recording, he was lucky to snack on an unlucky bug that accidentally flew into his mouth thinking it was a hideout.
Unlucky Cop To Witness the Best of a Human Shame
Once in a while, cops face people that are more stupid than a human being can get. This individual, for example, after a little monkey dance highjacks a police car.
It’s a Ferry And Two Zombies!
Watch a zombie in black going off the ferry and miraculously escaping from being crashed. The other zombie in red was not either lucky or fast enough to get crushed.
When 3 Kids Were About To Get Hit By a Car…
They were lucky to move towards the bus by exactly 1 second late and stayed alive. Watch a speeding suv coming within inches of the little kids.
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