Most Expensive Human Activity Screw Ups To Learn From
There are screw ups, and there are a costly screw ups that keep repeating its history throughout the time. This video highlights some of the most expensive mistakes in history excluding environmental disasters.
Earth Doomsday By a Rogue Planet
What it would be like if the earth were struck by a rogue planet? Could we survive it? While it's difficult to predict the occurrence of another planet colliding with earth, the collision is still possible and may come quite unexpected. This video explores such scenario and possible outcome.
Don't Mess With Nature or It Will Mess With You
Sometimes humans lack the respect the nature around them deserves. Here are a "few" examples of what not to do for the sake of sanity. Take care of the nature and it will take care of you, with all its beauty and magnificence.
The Mind Blowing Construction Fails
There are small construction screw ups, and there are small screw ups with big construction hazards consequences. Watch how human activity can cause so much distress it's painful and even dangerous to look at!
When Environmental Pollution Is an Intentional Act
You many think that USA has environmentally clean regions, yet, this video clearly depicts an intentional environmental pollution that affects 99% of all Americans residing in North America. How is this possible? Through the legal loopholes powered by extreme consumerism.
There’s Bear in the House And It’s Hungry
This Russian bear has the claws and the teeth. Everything it needs to keep eating. And if you’re not careful enough, it will eat you! As one said – “In America , you have the right to bear arms, In Russia, bear has the right to your arms!”
“Couch Potatoes” Will Love This Little Car
If you think you’ve done enough walking in your life, don’t get desperate. Now you can afford a mini-car that will help you to get to and from your car without walking. Save a step or two! Get bigger today!
Feeding Snakes
It’s lunch time and snakes are not your friends when they’re hungry. You just have to “pet” them a little and show your professional love to these sneaky creatures.
Don’t Let an American Alligator Bite Your Face
It’s little and it’s got some teeth ready for action! This man thought he could easily handle a baby gator and now, he knows, what to expect from a bigger brother alligator.
Humans in Shark Cages
Imagine you had health to live forever. How would you protect your life if you were to swim in the ocean? Well these humans used shark cages to get where they wanted. Would you?
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