What Humans Have Never Learned...
One of the essentials of animal kingdom is this - "Don't mess with a wrong opponent". Watch how animal kingdom shows each animal to learn the lessons from real life. These are not examples for just a laugh but to learn the animal kingdom fundamentals. After all, we are all animals :) Grrrr!!!
Police Office Impersonator Pulls Over Undercover Cops
Undercover cops were attempted to get pulled over by a cop impersonator pull over the impersonator instead. This is probably an almost impossible scenario that happened in real life. There's no actual footage of this happening, but the story covered by a news channel.
Too Late For His Own Funeral
Jokes aside. Is this individual immune to physics? Never a dull moment in his life, right? We hope the police and his insurance company have truly enjoyed the video as much as we did.
Jackie Chan's Dear Death Stunts
A fame doesn't come without risks. Jackie Chan is known for doing most of his own stunts, while this is ideal for filming action scenes it also puts the actors life in danger. Here are some documented near death experiences Jackie Chan had to face throughout his acting carrier.
Life Is Short
There's a saying - "Life is Short". And for some, the life drains out all the time we have on our hands to even notice that the most precious time we have melts away. This Xbox commercial reflects just that in a clever, a bit awkward, uncomfortable, yet funny and at the same time sad "short" story
A Story of 9 Ingenious Thefts
There are the moments in life of our society that rarely occur. And here are some that were recorded on video. We all have seen a movie or series about daring robberies. And fictitious stories are quite fascinating. Watch real life robberies that have quite unusual twists and outcomes.
Tortoise Vs Rabbit. Who Wins?
Here we have a true life competition between a rabbit and a tortoise. The greatest speed achieved by a tortoise is 0.28 m/s (0.92 ft/s). The fastest of the rabbits and hares, Jack rabbits achieve speeds of about 70 km/h (about 45 mph). Who wins in this competition? You be the judge!
Social Akwardness
In this awesome Best Short Film of the Year at 2020 Promofest in Spain, there's a depiction of many life moment that reflect the social awkwardness in its native form with a great balance of humor and satire. Hilarious and entertaining with a hint of things to learn from.
Life's Catastrophes in 60-seconds
This commercial conveys many different and awkward situations that make life "just a bit" miserable. Yet, the lessons get learned but the screw up crew always comes with new fresh ideas!
“Couch Potatoes” Will Love This Little Car
If you think you’ve done enough walking in your life, don’t get desperate. Now you can afford a mini-car that will help you to get to and from your car without walking. Save a step or two! Get bigger today!
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