The Evolution of Dance - 1950 To 2010
Watch this creative dance group by Ricardo Walker's Crew seemingly performing legendary dance progressions that reflect the times from 1950's to 2010. The group goes from song to song, changing dances and outfits with every new tune. Inspirational!
There's a Saying - 'If You Are Not Sure, Don't Do It!'
It's usually that moment when you think you "got it". And in order for things to go wrong, they have to be imagined and re-created first. Watch some creative attempts to achieve what seemed to be feasible. Yet, we bet that most of these people had their doubts just moments before it was too late!
Drones Are Everywhere
The flying cams are are not a novelty, but the creative uses are! Watch this FLYING GHOST scaring the "pants" out of people in the middle of a day. We do not know if these people were aware or not of the setup, yet, it's quite entertaining for a ghost concept :)
Shell Gas Station Toilet Attraction
This might not be only a tourist attraction. Someone at Shell apparently came up with a creative idea to promote Shell brand identity by giving the gas station’s toilet an original look. If you have never made toilet videos before, visit your local gas station today and make one to help Shell!
Creative Gym Exercise
Get more muscles involved and create your own gym exercise. Avoid the herd, their trends and ignore the laughs.
Watch And Learn How To Unblock YOUR Car!
Got blocked and stuck in the parking lot? Well, you have wheels, an engine, a head and a couple of hands. Get a little creative! Just don’t scratch your car!
When You're Sleep Deprived...
Sleep deprivation is not a joke. And so the examples in this funny compilation. What and get stunned by some creative sleep phobia moments :)
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