A Dog Slide or a Dog Dispenser? You Decide!
Dogs love running underneath the slides. And they like sliding down on the slow on sleds. But what would happen if you put them ON the extreme version of a slide? Watch the dogs having the time of their lives while trying to stay sane on the way down. A lucky slide time without incidents!
“Couch Potatoes” Will Love This Little Car
If you think you’ve done enough walking in your life, don’t get desperate. Now you can afford a mini-car that will help you to get to and from your car without walking. Save a step or two! Get bigger today!
Feeding Snakes
It’s lunch time and snakes are not your friends when they’re hungry. You just have to “pet” them a little and show your professional love to these sneaky creatures.
Love Coca-Cola?
Before you commit to drinking coca-cola, boil it for an hour to see what your body is going to deal with once it’s inside of you. Sure you want some coca-cola?
Sell Your Girlfriend For $10,000
Are people really for sale for the right amount money? If it were a reality for everyone, the world would be sad place to live in. Don’t do this to your love.
Bearded Woman Gets Happily Married
Unfortunately this lady has suffered from polycystic ovarian syndrome that caused her abnormal facial hair growth. So she grew a beard and her true love loves it.
Bodybuilding For Love… Strange Love
A passion for fitness doesn’t always translate into looks that guys may like.
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