Roadrunner Bird VS. Rattle Snake
One bite from a rattle snack could kill the Roadrunner bird almost instantly. Despite the danger, the bird takes on the predator snake and wins!
Ahh… The American Snacks. Discover the Weird.
If you think that Korean snacks are weird, ask the Korean if the American snacks are not. Moreover, some may ask – “What the heck is Goldfish”?
Unlucky Bug Swallowed
While the news reporter was craving a good meal right after the recording, he was lucky to snack on an unlucky bug that accidentally flew into his mouth thinking it was a hideout.
New Banana-spider Fruit
Although this particular video is a CGI, watch and learn the signs of something potentially deadly that can reside in your fruit snack!
The Most Unique American Idol Contestant
Her most wanted dream is about to happen. The judges are ready, and so is she. Let’s grab a few snacks, and watch her getting on that “ Hollywood ” bus.
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