What Humans Have Never Learned...
One of the essentials of animal kingdom is this - "Don't mess with a wrong opponent". Watch how animal kingdom shows each animal to learn the lessons from real life. These are not examples for just a laugh but to learn the animal kingdom fundamentals. After all, we are all animals :) Grrrr!!!
NASCAR Driver Vs. Car Salesman
And so being a car salesman can be a boring job. Showing dozens vehicles to picky buyers can be frustrating. Here comes an unforgettable moment a sales car will never, ever... forget. Enjoy the ride!
You Might Be Buying Fake Olive Oil That Can Hurt You
Your favorite olive oil brand might be actually counteractive to your health goals. Many refined olive oil products are actually mixes of various vegetable oils that instead of improving your lipids, actually cause more inflammation and are a long term health hazard.
The Secrets of Famous Illusions
Would you like to take a peek behind the scenes of the most popular Illusions that surprised the whole world? Then don't wait any longer. Play the video to find out about the work of the famous illusionists with their unparalleled performances that have stunned the entire world.
The Stage Performance Failure Is the Worst!
When it comes to screw ups prevention, this would be the priority for both the performer and a producer. Yet, we're human and prone to mistakes. And some of them are as funny as sad. Watch this compilation from the videos all over the world that would give you a better idea the stage screw ups
Not All Females Are Bad Drivers
And this particular Asian lady seem to have mastered to be one of the best in the female screw up car driver industry. Within 2-minute timeframe, she had managed to achieve high failure scores by screwing up twice!
Maniac Dentist Pulls All Teeth From His Patient
One of the most precious organs of a human body is a tooth. And should you lose one for one reason or another, it is very expensive to replace and it would never be the same as original. Yet, at least one known dentist dares to pull more teeth from his patients than agreed. In fact too many.
Passing Gas On Air?
Someone has to have a a lot of “respect” for people around to demonstrate this type of behavior. Welcome Alkiviades David - a Greek billionaire heir, (a member of the Leventis family), whose holdings include manufacturing, bottling plants, property and shipping.
Don’t Let an American Alligator Bite Your Face
It’s little and it’s got some teeth ready for action! This man thought he could easily handle a baby gator and now, he knows, what to expect from a bigger brother alligator.
A Birthday Surprise Not To Look Forward To
A birthday is a GOOD day for surprises. And here’s one surprise she’ll never forget. An neither is the man. The man had inner doubts about his "daughter" not being his genetically linked daughter and he did the DNA test that proved his most horrifying assumptions. Not an entertaining situation.
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