Police Office Impersonator Pulls Over Undercover Cops
Undercover cops were attempted to get pulled over by a cop impersonator pull over the impersonator instead. This is probably an almost impossible scenario that happened in real life. There's no actual footage of this happening, but the story covered by a news channel.
Life Is Short
There's a saying - "Life is Short". And for some, the life drains out all the time we have on our hands to even notice that the most precious time we have melts away. This Xbox commercial reflects just that in a clever, a bit awkward, uncomfortable, yet funny and at the same time sad "short" story
A Story of 9 Ingenious Thefts
There are the moments in life of our society that rarely occur. And here are some that were recorded on video. We all have seen a movie or series about daring robberies. And fictitious stories are quite fascinating. Watch real life robberies that have quite unusual twists and outcomes.
Most Expensive Human Activity Screw Ups To Learn From
There are screw ups, and there are a costly screw ups that keep repeating its history throughout the time. This video highlights some of the most expensive mistakes in history excluding environmental disasters.
Extreme Building Demolition On Budget
There’s a 14-story Beijing building and a fearless crew with an excavator to take it down. Watch them defy the gravity, risks and common sense to get the job done.
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