The World's First Start Wars Lightsaber
And so the world's first plasma lightsaber is here. Watch how Hacksmith Industries builds one, showing major steps of a lightsaber production. It still requires an external energy source, but results are very impressive considering its size and the extreme plasma power for destruction of materials.
And So the Humans Can Fly
There are a few technology groups that explore the portable jet engines to lift a single human body in the air with precision controls and high speed. Yet these technological advances are usually out of reach due to the financial strains. Watch an affordable and yet amazing way of becoming airborne.
The Secrets of Famous Illusions
Would you like to take a peek behind the scenes of the most popular Illusions that surprised the whole world? Then don't wait any longer. Play the video to find out about the work of the famous illusionists with their unparalleled performances that have stunned the entire world.
World's Stretchiest Skin
Paying attention to Guinness World Records, here we witness the men that have demonstrated an unusual phenomenon of a human skin that can stretch beyond the common expectations. Garry Turner is able to stretch the skin of his stomach to due to a rare medical condition called Ehleres-Danlos Syndrome
An Amazing Water And Sound Experiement
When physical properties interact via unusual natural or artificial methods, some results can actually defy our perception of everyday physics. Watch the water taking the shapes of the audio sine waves creating a visual experience that we have used to see in science fiction motion pictures.
NYC Museum Of Illusions
Enter the world of illusions. An intriguing visual, sensory and educational experience with a handful of new, unexplored illusions. This museum presents brilliant collection of holograms and other optical illusions that brings intriguing visual, sensory and educational experience.
Tortoise Vs Rabbit. Who Wins?
Here we have a true life competition between a rabbit and a tortoise. The greatest speed achieved by a tortoise is 0.28 m/s (0.92 ft/s). The fastest of the rabbits and hares, Jack rabbits achieve speeds of about 70 km/h (about 45 mph). Who wins in this competition? You be the judge!
The Talent of a Contortionist
Imagine this performance personally in front of you at 3am in the morning.. at your bed side... Would you think you were asleep or awake?
When Machines Fight Back!
Watch an amazing conceptual replica of robotic technologies developed by Boston Dynamics. This video, although on a more violent note than we'd prefer to see, has entertained the idea of possible outcomes should the robots experience abuse by humans. Would they fight back? Watch to find out.
The Future of Dancing Robots Is Here, And It's Mind Blowing!
If you think robots are here to simply perform routine tasks, think again! Based on the amazing creations of Boston Dynamics, it is clear that once the robots master their artificial intelligence skills, they can spice up the entertainment world and add to that "WOW" factor again and again. Enjoy!
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