Jeep Vs Rock Mountain
Watch an amazing video of a Jeep Climbing vertical wall in Sand Hollow Utah.
A Story of 9 Ingenious Thefts
There are the moments in life of our society that rarely occur. And here are some that were recorded on video. We all have seen a movie or series about daring robberies. And fictitious stories are quite fascinating. Watch real life robberies that have quite unusual twists and outcomes.
The Secrets of Famous Illusions
Would you like to take a peek behind the scenes of the most popular Illusions that surprised the whole world? Then don't wait any longer. Play the video to find out about the work of the famous illusionists with their unparalleled performances that have stunned the entire world.
Do the Aliens Exist?
Apparently, the Pentagon has releases three videos (previously leaked), that serve as a proof that there's a very high probability the alien technology UFOs exist. The dynamics of movements of these subjects harshly contradicts the physical laws that are applicable to earth gravity and atmosphere.
When Machines Fight Back!
Watch an amazing conceptual replica of robotic technologies developed by Boston Dynamics. This video, although on a more violent note than we'd prefer to see, has entertained the idea of possible outcomes should the robots experience abuse by humans. Would they fight back? Watch to find out.
Most Expensive Human Activity Screw Ups To Learn From
There are screw ups, and there are a costly screw ups that keep repeating its history throughout the time. This video highlights some of the most expensive mistakes in history excluding environmental disasters.
Earth Doomsday By a Rogue Planet
What it would be like if the earth were struck by a rogue planet? Could we survive it? While it's difficult to predict the occurrence of another planet colliding with earth, the collision is still possible and may come quite unexpected. This video explores such scenario and possible outcome.
The Stage Performance Failure Is the Worst!
When it comes to screw ups prevention, this would be the priority for both the performer and a producer. Yet, we're human and prone to mistakes. And some of them are as funny as sad. Watch this compilation from the videos all over the world that would give you a better idea the stage screw ups
When Environmental Pollution Is an Intentional Act
You many think that USA has environmentally clean regions, yet, this video clearly depicts an intentional environmental pollution that affects 99% of all Americans residing in North America. How is this possible? Through the legal loopholes powered by extreme consumerism.
Shell Gas Station Toilet Attraction
This might not be only a tourist attraction. Someone at Shell apparently came up with a creative idea to promote Shell brand identity by giving the gas station’s toilet an original look. If you have never made toilet videos before, visit your local gas station today and make one to help Shell!
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