10,000 Horsepower. Small Boat.
What would happen if you put a 10,000 horsepower engine in a small boat? It will reach close to airplane speeds while resisting the dynamics of water! Used for sports, these small boats show staggering acceleration and travel speeds. And their engines need to be rebuilt after each run too!
The Robotic Soldier Era
While Boston Dynamics develops the actual robotic technology that is real and highly successful, watch the guys from Bosstown Dynamics creating another amazing presentation of a future robot soldier that could resist unusual situations that are aimed at a disruption of its primary goal.
Do the Aliens Exist?
Apparently, the Pentagon has releases three videos (previously leaked), that serve as a proof that there's a very high probability the alien technology UFOs exist. The dynamics of movements of these subjects harshly contradicts the physical laws that are applicable to earth gravity and atmosphere.
When Machines Fight Back!
Watch an amazing conceptual replica of robotic technologies developed by Boston Dynamics. This video, although on a more violent note than we'd prefer to see, has entertained the idea of possible outcomes should the robots experience abuse by humans. Would they fight back? Watch to find out.
The Future of Dancing Robots Is Here, And It's Mind Blowing!
If you think robots are here to simply perform routine tasks, think again! Based on the amazing creations of Boston Dynamics, it is clear that once the robots master their artificial intelligence skills, they can spice up the entertainment world and add to that "WOW" factor again and again. Enjoy!
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