Social Akwardness
In this awesome Best Short Film of the Year at 2020 Promofest in Spain, there's a depiction of many life moment that reflect the social awkwardness in its native form with a great balance of humor and satire. Hilarious and entertaining with a hint of things to learn from.
Drones Are Everywhere
The flying cams are are not a novelty, but the creative uses are! Watch this FLYING GHOST scaring the "pants" out of people in the middle of a day. We do not know if these people were aware or not of the setup, yet, it's quite entertaining for a ghost concept :)
A Birthday Surprise Not To Look Forward To
A birthday is a GOOD day for surprises. And here’s one surprise she’ll never forget. An neither is the man. The man had inner doubts about his "daughter" not being his genetically linked daughter and he did the DNA test that proved his most horrifying assumptions. Not an entertaining situation.
Dead or Alive? The Mystery Fish!
Or a zombie fish? It has been gutted, decapitated and kept moving, entertaining the hungry humans. In reality, a muscle reflex after death makes a terrifying experience.
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