It’s a Car Wash Time – Learn From a Blond
This blond is definitely wants a thorough car wash IN and out. If it weren't for THAT type of blond, one would think this might have been a bloody murder cover up.
Human Vs Pheasant
If shooting a pheasant is not enough, chasing and killing it doesn't make it worse than going to KFC… Or does it?
Dead or Alive? The Mystery Fish!
Or a zombie fish? It has been gutted, decapitated and kept moving, entertaining the hungry humans. In reality, a muscle reflex after death makes a terrifying experience.
Fighter Planes Send Beach Umbrellas in the Air
The Navy's Blue Angels deliver a show to people at the beach while sending personal belongings in the air due to the air turbulence from the low altitude flight.
Shoplifter Fail
He’s a desperate shoplifter, a stuntman and he fails both. Not a good day for this individual!
It’s an Arrest And a Show Time!
Being a cop sometimes delivers not only a difficulties but a good laugh.
Unsuccessful Store Robbery
Seemed like a good and quick cash store robbery – “a man on a motorcycle”. The only unexpected variable was a “cashier in the car”.
Extreme Catapult Attraction Dangers
These people were lucky enough to avoid a shoot up into the sky in a metal ball, and then plummet to a gruesome seatbelt death on the pavement.
Fashion Show Screw Up
It’s an Oops. Check the outfit before a show off.
It’s One of the Most Dangerous Animals in the World
And because it’s one of the most dangerous animals in the world, this individual has built a reliable cage to keep the animal secure. Or at least that’s what he thought he did.
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