Roadrunner Bird VS. Rattle Snake
One bite from a rattle snack could kill the Roadrunner bird almost instantly. Despite the danger, the bird takes on the predator snake and wins!
Dog On Marijuana
This dog was either lucky or unlucky to ingest a rice krispie treat filled with marijuana. The dog was even high on the second day. This is what marijuana legalization has brought.
Gender Identity Curriculum
One more thing our children don’t really need to be confused about is their natural gender selection. And this curriculum is exactly the type of confusion they’re going to get.
Dirt Bike Apartment Destruction
When tenants leave an apartment, they may ride a dirt bike indoors if the rent was a bit too high to their taste. Treat your tenants well and may be you will not get punished.
Spider Meteorologist Scare
It may seem funny from the camera perspective, yet, the meteorologist viewed the same broadcast in the teleprompter where the spider actually appeared on her head.
Escapologist Screw Up
Things go wrong, and the Criss Angel’s show rehearsal at Foxwoods wasn't different. A mechanical failure trapped a performer in a water-filled box, which almost killed him.
24 Hour Charity Golf Day Crash
If you've had a 24-hour charity golf day, beware of the laughing skunks that you could find just around where you have crashed. Arm yourself with a pepper spray!
Ahh… The American Snacks. Discover the Weird.
If you think that Korean snacks are weird, ask the Korean if the American snacks are not. Moreover, some may ask – “What the heck is Goldfish”?
Unlucky Bug Swallowed
While the news reporter was craving a good meal right after the recording, he was lucky to snack on an unlucky bug that accidentally flew into his mouth thinking it was a hideout.
Hire a Reporter Carefully or Face an On-air Embarrassment
An ass of a reporter can teach an anchor “how to edit”. And this Anchor vs. Reporter “on-air” fight clearly shows the case.
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