Passing Gas On Air?
Someone has to have a a lot of “respect” for people around to demonstrate this type of behavior. Welcome Alkiviades David - a Greek billionaire heir, (a member of the Leventis family), whose holdings include manufacturing, bottling plants, property and shipping.
Amazon Wins Over Wal-Mart By Selling Sex Toys
And according to the news anchor, Amazon is selling a TON of the adult toys. And that’s a no-win situation for Wal-Mart. Or is it?
Mass Whale Killing
Over 200 pilot whales were slaughtered on the beaches of the Faroe Islands. The mass whale killing took place in drive hunts at Bøur and Tórshavn, making this the single, bloodiest day in the Archipelago in 2015.
Northern Flying Squirrel Heaven
This squirrel is being asked – “What’s wrong with you squirrel”? But may be, just may be, this squirrel has retired from being a squirrel, and it feels good to just eat and poop! There’s no work to do, because all the food and housing is free. Don’t we all want this?
Bad Car Engineering Decisions
It’s the era of Internet boom and product engineers are obsessed with connecting everything and everyone to Internet. Clocks, toilets, lights, cars – everything goes! “So let’s connect our JEEP” to Internet Chrysler said. This way smart people will have an option to steer their cars remotely.
She Was “born” To Sing And Be Famous
The only issue is that those stupid microphones just don’t let her be a success! They look weird, don’t sound right and you never know which side of the boom pole they’re mounted on!
Helicopter Crash Before Christmas
During an installation of a Christmas tree supporting structure, due to a negligence of the pilot and supervisors, the helicopter rotors caught on the cable causing this helicopter accident. It is sad to see one of the workers brainlessly pulling on the cable causing the helicopter to crash.
If You Plan On Keeping Girlfriend
Think twice before participating in the “girlfriend overboard throw” event. You may not have what it takes to safely “deliver” your honey into the water.
Destruction of a Road Pay Toll
Two guys in the truck were on important mission to safely deliver watermelons to a distribution center. Well, apparently instead of watching the road, they were eating watermelons.
A Birthday Surprise Not To Look Forward To
A birthday is a GOOD day for surprises. And here’s one surprise she’ll never forget. An neither is the man. The man had inner doubts about his "daughter" not being his genetically linked daughter and he did the DNA test that proved his most horrifying assumptions. Not an entertaining situation.
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