A Story of 9 Ingenious Thefts
There are the moments in life of our society that rarely occur. And here are some that were recorded on video. We all have seen a movie or series about daring robberies. And fictitious stories are quite fascinating. Watch real life robberies that have quite unusual twists and outcomes.
World's Stretchiest Skin
Paying attention to Guinness World Records, here we witness the men that have demonstrated an unusual phenomenon of a human skin that can stretch beyond the common expectations. Garry Turner is able to stretch the skin of his stomach to due to a rare medical condition called Ehleres-Danlos Syndrome
Seagull Steals a Camera While It Was Recording!
The naughty bird stole a GoPro cam, took a little flight and safely landed on the ground where the camera was recovered. The camera captured a unique view of the incident.
Don’t Mind the Cat
Before recording your next video feature, give your kitty cat a snack on a side or else get an arrogant cat look in retaliation.
An Adopted Peeing Sheep Newscast Failure
An innocent looking and adopted lamb had no respect or empathy for the BBC efforts on world awareness. It relieved itself right on the spot creating a recording outtake.
Unlucky Bug Swallowed
While the news reporter was craving a good meal right after the recording, he was lucky to snack on an unlucky bug that accidentally flew into his mouth thinking it was a hideout.
When the Demolition Goes Wrong...
They've all been waiting for it to happen. Video cameras are recording and still cameras are clicking away. What they didn't realize, they got more than they bargained for.
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