The Infancy of the Military Screw Ups
It's where it all begins that matters. “You’ve run out of ammo, private.” - “How?” Funny fails in the military with soldiers who fail at gun shooting, grenade throwing, rocket launchers, mortars, army tanks and more!
Jeep Vs Rock Mountain
Watch an amazing video of a Jeep Climbing vertical wall in Sand Hollow Utah.
A “Lucky” Champagne Bottle Throw Fires Back
An unusual and unexpected outcome from a champagne bottle that literally became a rocket and flew exactly where it needed to go.
Baby Boy Climbs the Rock Wall
Some babies appear to have this at birth, and they’re good at it. Although the wall is tilted a bit, this little guy has no issue climbing it between his baby meals.
Jeep Climbing Rocks
When we talk about extremes, this is the one! Watch a jeep almost flipping backwards while climbing a rocky hill.
FedEx 767F Delivery Wing Wave Beauty
The pilot of this plane purportedly and intentionally executed a dangerous plane rocking move, although you may wonder if he just had a little too much coffee in the morning.
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