The Unexpected Dangers of the Swimming Pools
Like pools? Learn from the worlds experience with pools, their unusual design and dangers they preset. Red pools, cold pools, pools of death, deepest pools, colored and the devil's pools and so on.
Earth Doomsday By a Rogue Planet
What it would be like if the earth were struck by a rogue planet? Could we survive it? While it's difficult to predict the occurrence of another planet colliding with earth, the collision is still possible and may come quite unexpected. This video explores such scenario and possible outcome.
Ship Collisions And Screw Ups Caught On Camera
We can relate to car crashes since the probability of being involved in a vehicle accident on a busy road is quite high. However, it is somewhat unexpected to see cargo and transportation sea ships being involved in collisions. You would think their speed in advanced NAV equipment would matter....
When the Bank Robbery Turns To Unexpected
It's the bank robbery. And everything seems to go right. Just when you think the justice is around the corner, something unexpected occurs, literally blowing your mind.
A “Lucky” Champagne Bottle Throw Fires Back
An unusual and unexpected outcome from a champagne bottle that literally became a rocket and flew exactly where it needed to go.
Unsuccessful Store Robbery
Seemed like a good and quick cash store robbery – “a man on a motorcycle”. The only unexpected variable was a “cashier in the car”.
Didn't Pass a Car Parking Test? Don't Try To Park a Ship!
It was a good day, other than an unexpected ship navigation issue either with the one who navigated this huge container ship or with the ship itself.
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